All Kiwanis Club of Cocoa Beach meetings start at noon (12:00 pm) at the Azteca II Restaurant, which is located at The Resort on Cocoa Beach, 1600 N. Atlantic Avenue, Cocoa Beach, Florida. For more information please contact Bill McAra ([email protected]), or submit a speakers form available HERE |
MARCH 2024
1st: Beginning March 1st and continuing through March 17th, Surfside Playhouse will be featuring their rendition of Neil Simon's book Sweet Charity, with music by Cy Cole, and Lyrics by Dorothy Fields. For performance dates and ticketing information, please visit: https://app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=177534. Surfside Playhouse does offer Student, Senior, and Military Discounts. |
9th: LET'S PLAY. Two to 4 in the afternoon. Kiwanis Club of Melbourne event, sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Cocoa Beach.
10th: Daylight Saving Time Begins :-(
14th: Meeting - Our Guest speaker will be Ashley Lee, and the topic will be Military & Veteran Caregivers. 16th: Ceremony to Remember the Last Naval Battle of the American Revolutionary War fought off the Coast of Cape Canaveral in 1783. 1000-1200 at the VMC Plaza Area with food and drinks and a parade of colors and wreaths with many in colonial attire. Put on by the Sons of the American Revolution Brevard Chapter along with the DAR and VMC. Contact Donn Weaver 757-871-6576 for more information. 17th: Saint Patrick's Day |
14th: Woof It Up. Cocoa Village Riverfront Park.
15th: TAX DAY 15th: Purple Up! Day Held on April 15th of each year, “Purple Up! For Military Kids” is a day for Department of Defense Education Activity communities to wear purple to show support and thank military children for their strength and sacrifices. 18th: Meeting - Alan Trauger will be our Guest speaker and he will be presenting "Home Fit" 22nd: Passover begins a Sundown 24th: Administrative Professionals Day 25th: Meeting - Speaker Bill Mcara will be presenting the September Masquerade Ball fundraiser. MAY 2024
1st: May Day 2nd: National Day of Prayer
5th: Cinco de Mayo 6th: Holocaust Remembrance Day 8th: Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) 9th: Meeting - Downsizing and de-cluttering will be the topic presented by Alan Trauger 10th: Military Spouse Appreciation Day |